• 07 4514 6069
  • Hours 8.30-5pm Mon-Fri, 9-12 Sat

About Us

Philip Lee & Janine Thomas

We started racing at Morgan Park Raceway in 2018 and enjoyed the area and atmosphere here so much we decided to move to Warwick in September 2020 from Brisbane. We started in a small shop at 1 McEvoy Street as just a repair shop. We also had Tigerhawk Upholstery on the corner of Pratten and McEvoy Streets. We outgrew those shops very quickly!

We relocated to 105 McEvoy Street in July 2022 and became very well established in the larger premises. We started selling new mowers and power equipment after the move and have supplied many locals with some great new machines. Both businesses became even more popular and under even more demand. So much so that we were unable to stay on top of our two businesses and maintain a quality of service that we wanted to present. 

We became a Company in July 2023 when we decided to concentrate on the mower side of our businesses. Unfortunately that meant closing Tigerhawk Upholstery.  We both agree we made the right decision by joining forces to move forward and take the pressure of ourselves. 

We are very proud of the fantastic iconic Australian brands that we sell and the fantastic support and service we are able to deliver.  

Phil has been in the "Mower" industry for over 20 years and  has experience as a Mechanic, Workshop Manager and even General Manager of a large mower business in Brisbane. Prior to that he worked as a qualified Aircraft Mechanical Engineer on various aircraft types including FA-18 Hornets and even P-51 Mustangs. He has had a lot of mechanical experience on a lot of different machinery over the years.

Janine has been in the "Mower" Industry since 2008. She was the Spare Parts Manager for 10 years at the same large mower business in Brisbane. Before that she was a Service Advisor at a large Suzuki dealership also in Brisbane between 2004-2008. She left the mower side to Start up Tigerhawk Upholstery full time in 2018. Also working with Phil with his Mobile Mower Mechanic Business "Rachet Repairs" in Brisbane during his peak seasons.

We both look forward to your visit to be able to assist you in your purchases and provide "second-to-none" customer service with our friendly atmosphere.


Phil & Janine